Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Final Count Down

    I can't believe that it I only have a few days left before I leave. These last couple of weeks we have crammed a lot of family time in. We went camping, to the Zoo and the Wildlife Safari in Oregon. We all had a great time creating memories for the boys and our ourselves. The first trip was to a KOA campground. We had a great time as the pictures will attest to.

     The first family outing took us to a campground near Madras, Oregon. Together with Shelly's parents, sister and their family we stayed at a KOA campground.

 As soon as we got there Logan found the Cheetos
 Jack waiting to get into the pool
 Jack working on moving some sand around
 Jack being double safe in a life jacket and a float

Papa Barry and Wyatt
 Wyatt was the only one who got to sleep in
 Shelly and the boys going for a raft ride
 Logan getting ready to go snorkeling
 Wyatt just being cute
 The boys doing the dishes with Nanny
The boys being cute in their beds
The beautiful image of Mt. Hood on our trip back home

   The second family outing was to the Oregon Zoo. The boys love going to the Zoo, it was nice that Shelly ws able to come with us again it had been a while (another set of eyes on the boys is nice).

Logan making an animal noise
 Andrea's favorite animal
 Jack and Logan watching the waterfall
 Sliding down a hollowed out log
 Getting the job done
 My soon to be neighbor
 Logan is not so sure about this Dinosaur
 Logan standing toe to toe with a T-Rex
 Logan and Jack waiting for the train
 Shelly, Wyatt and Logan
Cheese face in front of the train

     Our final trip was to the the Wildlife Safari in Southern Oregon. It was a long drive to Roseburg, Oregon but it was definitely worth it. The boys had a great time at the safari and at the hotel.   

 Jack getting ready to jump to Shelly (note that is Logan swimming by himself)
 Jack makes the jump
 Logan smiling for the camera
 Yes that is a real alligator
 Logan dancing on the concrete turtle
 Aren't they cute?
 The boys climbing on the playground inside the park
 Riding up to go feed the giraffe
 Wyatt and I waiting to feed the giraffe
Logan feeding the giraffe. Check out that tongue

     I'm am so glad that we were able to make all these memories before I leave for Alaska. I know that the boys will cherish these memories when they get older. 


  1. You have had quite the Summer! I'm so SO glad you guys came camping! Blake had an awesome time hanging out and I've never seen you laugh as hard as when you guys were talking about "gymnast poops"! I'm laughing right now just remembering it...

  2. I'm sure they'll love those memories! Poor boys are going to miss their dad so much! (Shelly too... :)) I was looking at a magazine on an Alaska Airline flight yesterday and actually started getting teary-eyed about how I live in a state where some of the most nonfiction hit TV shows are increasingly popular. There are so many shows where I can say, "Oh, I've flown with him." Or "That is only 50 miles from where I live!" Soon you'll be getting your own experiences! I'm excited for you.

  3. I am happy that you all made a lot of memories together as a family before you leave for Alaska. Thank you so much for posting the picture of bears. ;) In fact I just had a nightmare about the damn grizzly bears. It's 1:03AM. :o/ Anyway your boys and Shelly will cherish those memories.

  4. Now I have the song "It's the Final Countdown" by Europe in my head. It's a pretty good song ;) "We do not remember days; we remember moments." ~Cesare Pavese. You created lots of magical moments that they will remember even when you're back together...nice!

  5. What a fun summer, indeed. We will miss you so much, but I am excited for this adventure to finally begin, and for you to have your own classroom like you always dreamed of. I am loving being a stay-at-home-mom, and I am so happy for you that you will soon love what you're doing as well.
