Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sorry, Mom This Post is Not for You (Skinning a Seal)

     A week or so ago some a seal was donated to the school so that the students could see how to properly remove the fur and meat. This was a unique experience since we are a down river school we often don't see seal. After inviting an elder to come and explain where to cut, our head custodian Buster took to the dirty work. FYI this post is not for those with a weak stomach.

 After they caught the seal they cut it down the middle to remove the "guts"
 I never knew that seals had claws
 Buster removing the face, one of my students looking on
 Buster is explaining what he is doing before he cuts
 Kindergarten and first grade students getting first hand experience
 The meat is nearly all cut off
 One of our elders looking at the seal flipper
Whats left is the fur and fat

     I am still unsure how they remove the fat, but it drips off and they use the seal oil for cooking or dipping their seal or dry fish.
Here is the cleaned drying seal fur
     Another experience that I would have not likely been a part of in the lower 48. I am glad that I have been able to participate in so many unique activities here in Marshall. I am excited that we have only finished the first quarter and that there are many more experiences to come. 



  1. You're making Blake proud!
    On the show Flying Wild Alaska they eat seal flipper as a delicacy, they bury it in the ground for a long time, then dig it up and boil it or something...? Do they do that in Marshall?

  2. Aww I hope our mother won't see this post. :(

  3. It's amazing how nothing goes to waste.

  4. Nothing like a butchered seal to make me grateful to be vegan :)
