Saturday, October 8, 2011

Teacher Training In Mountain Village

    Last week all of the teachers had to go to a two day teacher training. There were several different lectures to choose from I picked Step up to Writing, Smart Board, and Saxon Math all of the classes were helpful and I learned a little from each. After the trainings we would sit back and watch movies, play basketball or walk around the village. One of my co-teachers likened it to summer camp. In many ways it was. Sitting around talking about whatever, eating candy, watching movies, and sleeping on an air mattress. All that was missing was a campfire and sing songs. It was for the most part a relaxed atmosphere which made the trainings more fun and helped me get more out of them. I was able to shoot some pictures while I was there, but unfortunately I didn't put my memory card back into my camera before I left so I had to borrow Molly's which already had a lot of pictures on it so I had to be more selective than I would have been. But with that said I was still able to get some good shots.

 One of the two stores that Mtn. Village has. They also have a larger AC store. Which has a lot more stuff, including fresh fruits and vegetables.
 The AC store, we kept going back, compared to our store in Marshll this was like Wal-Mart
 The cemetery was up on the hill hard to capture on film, beautiful in person
 A wolf fur over $500
 Fox, otter, mink and one other I cant remember ranging in price from $75 to around $200
 The first law enforcement I've seen since I have been in the bush
 Very classy fixture, I am guessing prom 1987
 Sitting around waiting to go home Molly, Me, Susan, Steve, Hope
 Molly has a slight fear of flying (actually it is an EXTREME fear)
Molly and Nicole practicing their we're crashing face. 

    Overall it was a good trip and I think that all of the teachers learned something from their sessions. I learned that it is important to bring ear plugs because you never know who is going to be sleeping in your room and singing you a snoring lullaby all night. I also learned some things I hope to implement soon in my classroom.


  1. Josh it's good to "see" you!
    I like your hair, I don't remember seeing it that long, you're so blond!
    I can't wait to see pictures of you, Shelly and Wyatt together next week! :)

  2. Why are you hating on the fancy chandelier ;) If that little store was like Wal-Mart, Anchorage is probably going to be serious culture shock for you!
